SLM is focused on 1) maintaining a spiritually inclusive private and public social justice platform that focuses on worshiping the Most High God; 2) To support improving the Divine Creation of humanity (spirit, heart, soul, mind, body) by embracing diversity and tolerance regardless of the culture, tradition, tribe, race, creed, faith, and gender an individual is Born into; and 3) To advocate, encourage and inspire the People to reveal corruption, as we assist for the marginalized, down-trodden, ignored, dismissed, indigent, exploited, labeled irrelevant and uneducated.  Together, our family of People can correct injustice by inhabiting a commUnity focused on living in harmony & and charity with the Most High God, with one another, as well as responsibly as the Most High God's good stewards, with our planet & and its life-giving resources. 


SLM has a code that all shall abide by.  This code is as follows: 

1) Honor the Most High God - You are a perfect manifestation of Divine Love.  Treat your mind, body, and spirit as a sacred temple belonging to the Most High God.  Treasure yourself as Divine Love reaches within and reaches out for you.  It is in becoming aware of this and honoring the Most High God, that you will be able to honor yourself and others in Truth.  

2) Love Blesses & Conquers All - Love is the Perfect Expression of the Divine Most High God. Nothing is Impossible.  Love is the source of everything.  Remember this as you walk your path.   

3) Energy is Free - Energy is Freely Given and is Freely Taken, in Perfect Love & Trust, as a gift from the Most High God.  It is Freely Given to enlighten the mind.  It is Freely Taken for a grateful heart.  

4) Death Before DisHonor - There is no sting of Death when one stands in the Light of Divine Truth. Make your stand and honor the Most High God.  

5) Passion with Duty - Whatever your duties are, fuel the intent of your task with Passion, knowing that duty is by Divine Design.  Some lessons can only be learned in service to the Most High God.  

6) Change is transitional transformation.  It is the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into the butterfly. It is changing from an immature form into a mature wiser form.  Change is so that we may experience the Path of Humanity walking with the Most High God.  

7) Never Forget A Debt. - Your word is your bond by the Most High God.  Everything has a price to maintain balance and harmony.  Repay any debt owed as soon as possible in Perfect Trust.


SLM shall not conduct any business transaction contrary to the ratified constitution.   There shall be no worship, education, or service by Council Members conducted which conflicts with these By-Laws. All rules, regulations, bylaws, and policies previously approved, if any, by SLM, in conflict with these By-Laws are each and all hereby repealed, set aside, and superseded.


Section 4.1 Divine Council 

The Divine Council (Divine Court) is where our Most High God the Divine Creator sits as Supreme Being. The Most High God is the King of Kings.  The Divine Spirit and Divine Guidance are spiritually accessed as petitioned and prayed for by the 1st Council.  For Shadow Light Monastery, the Divine Council is the nucleus of SLM as everything is performed first and foremost under the approval and guidance of this specific council.  This council is not physically bound, as it operates on a spiritual level, and as such, is not always recognized by the earthly governments. The Divine Council is recognized, acknowledged, honored, worshiped, and appreciated by the SLM Council Members.

Section 4.2    1st Council 

The 1st Council retains unto itself the right of exclusive self-government as guided by Divine Council in all phases of its life for this spiritual society and religious organization. The 1st Council shall manage the affairs of SLM and shall include such matters as recognition & and elevation of all council members, the discipline of its members, establishment of protocol, rules, and/or regulations, and the conducting of its own services and monastery program.  1st Council positions are Ambassador, Regent, Captain of the Guard, 1st Knight, Vicegerent, Administrator, and the 7th.  

Section 4.2.a 1st Council Eligibility & Retirement 

To be eligible for the 1st Council, the member shall be approved by Divine Council, have completed the 1st Council spiritual coursework, and be able to dedicate daily to SLM.  Positions on the 1st Council are for life, however, an individual may choose to retire from the 1st Council as guided by the Divine Council.  

Section 4.3 Council of Elders 

The Council of Elders performs functions as determined by the 1st Council.  The Council of Elders will align and govern itself by the Council of Elders Protocol/Charter.

Section 4.3.a Council of Elders Eligibility & Retirement 

To be eligible for the Council of Elders, a member must have completed the 333-day spiritual coursework of the Apprentice, Knights, and Adepts.  These Elder members have been initiated into the SLM Society as drawn by Divine Council.  Positions on the Council of Elders are for life; however, an individual may choose to retire from this council as guided by the Divine Council.  

Section 4.4 Council of Adepts 

The Council of Adepts performs functions as determined by the 1st Council and Council of Elders.  The Council of Adepts will align and govern itself by the Council of Adepts Protocol/Charter.

Section 4.4.a Council of Adepts Eligibility & Retirement 

To be eligible for the Council of Adepts, a member must have completed the 333-day spiritual coursework of the Apprentice and Knights.  These Adept members have been dedicated and bestowed the honor of being elected to the Council of Adepts by the Council of Elders.  These Adepts are eligible for initiation into the SLM Society at the completion of their spiritual coursework with a specialization of their choosing.  Positions on the Council of Adepts are for a limited time at the 1st Council's discretion.  At the end of 3 years, the Adept shall take a walk with 1st Council to discuss their spiritual journey and the next course of action.

Section 4.5 Council of Knights 

The Council of Knights is made of Knights that perform functions as determined by the 1st Council and Council of Adepts.  The Council of Knights will align and govern itself by the Council of Knights Protocol/Charter.

Section 4.5.a Council of Knights Eligibility & Retirement 

To be eligible for the Council of Knights, a member must have completed the 333-day spiritual coursework of the Apprentice.  These council members have been Knighted in ceremony.  These Knights are eligible for dedication at the completion of the spiritual coursework.  For apprentices who have the desire or are drawn to the SLM Society of Knighthood and have in their recent past, already received an Initiation through another religious organization or have been an active tithing member of a church, they must be "officially" released by that religious organization prior to Knighthood.  Positions on the Council of Knights are for a limited time at 1st Council's discretion.  At the end of 3 years, the Knight shall take a walk with 1st Council to discuss their spiritual journey and the next course of action.

Section 4.6 Council of Apprentices 

The Council of Apprentices is made up of members and blood relations who have applied for apprenticeships within the SLM Society. The Council of Apprentices mainly focuses on their 333-day spiritual coursework as it pertains to their particular journey.  This council receives direction and guidance from the 1st Council and the Council of Knights.  

Section 4.6.a Council of Apprentices Eligibility & Retirement 

To be eligible for the Council of Apprentices, a member must complete an Apprenticeship application and submit it to SLM for review. Once the 1st Council reviews the application, a meeting will be scheduled with the member or blood relation to discuss the reasons they are applying for Apprenticeship.  A decision regarding Apprenticeship will be given to the member or blood relation within 30 days of submitting the application.  Once an individual is approved for Apprenticeship, their name is included in the Council of Apprentices record book. Positions on the Council of Apprentices are for a limited time of 3 years.  After 3 years, the Apprentices name is removed from the Council of Apprentices record books and either graduates to the Council of Knights or placed into the Council of Friend record books.  

Section 4.7 Council of Blood Relations 

The Council of Blood Relations is generally under the age of 18 and has a relative or family member who are members of the SLM Society.

Section 4.8 Council of Members  

In order to be considered and accepted to the Council of Members, an individual who is 18 years or older, must submit an application for membership for themselves (to include minor children) to SLM.  Once the 1st Council reviews the application, a meeting will be scheduled with the applicant to discuss the reasons they are applying for membership.  A decision regarding membership will be given to the applicant within 30 days of submitting the application.  Once an individual is approved for membership, their name (including their minor children) is included in the Council of Membership record book. Individuals on the Council of Members shall intentionally contribute what they wish to share with the SLM Society.  A member does not need to be a resident of the State of Alaska.

Section 4.8.a   Inactive Member 

If a member has left the SLM Society and has refrained from connecting, communicating, or keeping in touch with the 1st Council members, including attending SLM Society functions, after a period of 3 years of no-contact, the member is removed from the Council of Members.  If the individual returns to the SLM Society after removal, the individual must re-submit a membership application.

Section 4.9 Council of Friends 

The Council of Friends is made of Friends, Family, and Apprentices who are friends of SLM members.  


All disputes are to be brought to the attention of the 1st Council and Governing Council.  If a dispute arises within the Council of Members or Apprentices, it is brought to the attention of the Council of Knights and 1st Council.  If a dispute arises within the Council of Knights, it is brought to the attention of the 1st Council and Council of Adepts, and so on.  Discipline shall be administered on a case-by-case basis keeping in mind the Code of Conduct.


Shadow Light Monastery is subject to the control of no other civil or ecclesiastical body. However, SLM Council recognizes the benefits of cooperation, which are common among other churches, monasteries, covens, associations, governments, and conventions. Insofar as practical, SLM agrees to cooperate with and support other like-minded spiritual societies as deemed acceptable by the 1st Council.



These bylaws shall be established and executed by the 1st Council and Ratified at its conception and at such time as changes or amendments are made.   

These bylaws shall be and are hereby established as the only “Bylaws” for this Monastery.

No rules, regulations, bylaws, or policies may be established that conflict with the Constitution. Any Bylaws established before the below date are null and void as of the date indicated below.

In Witness Whereof, the undersigned have ratified these SLM By-Laws as amended above and sealed. (on file)